September 2, 2011

Using expensive literature at a trade show – Get it Read!

Category: Articles — admin @ 3:34 pm

Fact: 69% to 89% (the figure varies) of the literature given out at a trade show is thrown away before the person leaves to go back to his or her office or to return home. Yet companies invest thousands of dollars in very elaborate literature.  You can get your product literature into the hands of the attendees, but do it after you have gotten their qualification information completed, and you are able to send your literature directly to their offices.


You can make a very favorable impression with a very simple colored tri fold brochure that gives a general overview of the company, its products and services. I am not saying cheap, I am saying inexpensive, and tastefully done.


If the tri fold also contains information that the attendee can use while at the trade show such as, places of interest, hotel 800 numbers, airline telephone #s, Car rental places, and the top 10 restaurants in the area, guaranteed that attendee is going to hold on to your brochure. Literature is a tool to get the person’s business card and to be part of the qualification process.


If you help someone attending the trade show with helpful hints or information about the area or any reference information that will make it easier for them to enjoy their stay in that City, your company will be remembered and the information on your company will be read.

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