December 13, 2011

Company shirts used by booth personnel

Category: Articles — admin @ 9:42 pm

Many times company continuing the “Branding” of the company products and services and including the trade shows into this as well. VP’s of Marketing will order shirts for the personnel that will be standing booth duty. These shirts will also come with an ultimatum saying, “You are orders to wear these shirts as a representative of this company for the length of this trade show” the problem is they give the booth personnel one or perhaps two shirts and expect these people to appear every day with a clean shirt and a smile on their face.
Oh yes, if you are in a place like Las Vegas you can probably get these shirt cleaned over night, but when you get the cleaning bill, you could have purchased at least two more shirts for what you paid to have the shirt cleaned. In other places over night cleaning service may not be available.

So what do these booth personnel do since they only have one or two shirts? They wear the shirt, then take it off, hang up in the hotel closet, and then put it on the next day. Can you imaging what this shirt will look like on the second day? Besides what it could smell like? It may be necessary to have any prospects or suspects that come to your booth to stand down winds so they don’t get a whiff of you and your shirt that you have been wearing for three days.

If you are going to have your booth personnel wear company shirts please give them enough shirts to make their trade show experience an enjoyable one.

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